home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */
- /* hash table system (fast index) */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Internal engine bytecode */
- #include "htshash.h"
- /* specific definitions */
- #include "htsbase.h"
- #include "htsglobal.h"
- #include "htsmd5.h"
- /* END specific definitions */
- /* Specific macros */
- #ifndef malloct
- #define malloct malloc
- #define freet free
- #define calloct calloc
- #define strcpybuff strcpy
- #endif
- // MΘthode α 2 clΘs (adr+fil), 2e cle facultative
- // hash[no_enregistrement][pos]->hash est un index dans le tableau gΘnΘral liens
- // #define HTS_HASH_SIZE 8191 (premier si possible!)
- // type: numero enregistrement - 0 est case insensitive (sav) 1 (adr+fil) 2 (former_adr+former_fil)
- #if HTS_HASH
- // recherche dans la table selon nom1,nom2 et le no d'enregistrement
- // retour: position ou -1 si non trouvΘ
- int hash_read(hash_struct* hash,char* nom1,char* nom2,int type,int normalized) {
- char normfil_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char* normfil;
- char* normadr;
- unsigned int cle;
- int pos;
- // calculer la clΘ de recherche, non modulΘe
- if (type)
- cle = hash_cle(nom1,nom2);
- else
- cle = hash_cle(convtolower(nom1),nom2); // case insensitive
- // la position se calcule en modulant
- pos = (int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE);
- // entrΘe trouvΘe?
- if (hash->hash[type][pos] >= 0) { // un ou plusieurs enregistrement(s) avec une telle clΘ existe..
- // tester table de raccourcis (hash)
- // pos est maintenant la position recherchΘe dans liens
- pos = hash->hash[type][pos];
- while (pos>=0) { // parcourir la chaine
- switch (type) {
- case 0: // sav
- if (strfield2(nom1,hash->liens[pos]->sav)) { // case insensitive
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found shortcut at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- break;
- case 1: // adr+fil
- {
- if (!normalized)
- normfil=hash->liens[pos]->fil;
- else
- normfil=fil_normalized(hash->liens[pos]->fil,normfil_);
- if (!normalized)
- normadr = jump_identification(hash->liens[pos]->adr);
- else
- normadr = jump_normalized(hash->liens[pos]->adr);
- if ((strfield2(nom1,normadr)!=0) && (strcmp(nom2,normfil)==0)) {
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found shortcut at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2: // former_adr+former_fil
- {
- if (hash->liens[pos]->former_adr) {
- if (!normalized)
- normfil=hash->liens[pos]->former_fil;
- else
- normfil=fil_normalized(hash->liens[pos]->former_fil,normfil_);
- if (!normalized)
- normadr = jump_identification(hash->liens[pos]->former_adr);
- else
- normadr = jump_normalized(hash->liens[pos]->former_adr);
- if ((strfield2(nom1,normadr)!=0) && (strcmp(nom2,normfil)==0)) {
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found shortcut at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- // calculer prochaine position dans la chaine
- {
- int old=pos;
- pos=hash->liens[pos]->hash_next[type]; // sinon prochain dans la chaine
- if (old==pos)
- pos=-1; // erreur de bouclage (ne devrait pas arriver)
- }
- }
- // Ok va falloir chercher alors..
- /*pos=hash->max_lien; // commencer α max_lien
- switch (type) {
- case 0: // sav
- while(pos>=0) {
- if (hash->liens[pos]->hash_sav == cle ) {
- if (strcmp(nom1,hash->liens[pos]->sav)==0) {
- hash->hash[type][(int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE)] = pos; // noter plus rΘcent dans shortcut table
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found long search at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- }
- pos--;
- }
- break;
- case 1: // adr+fil
- while(pos>=0) {
- if (hash->liens[pos]->hash_adrfil == cle ) {
- if ((strcmp(nom1,hash->liens[pos]->adr)==0) && (strcmp(nom2,hash->liens[pos]->fil)==0)) {
- hash->hash[type][(int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE)] = pos; // noter plus rΘcent dans shortcut table
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found long search at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- }
- pos--;
- }
- break;
- case 2: // former_adr+former_fil
- while(pos>=0) {
- if (hash->liens[pos]->hash_fadrfil == cle ) {
- if (hash->liens[pos]->former_adr)
- if ((strcmp(nom1,hash->liens[pos]->former_adr)==0) && (strcmp(nom2,hash->liens[pos]->former_fil)==0)) {
- hash->hash[type][(int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE)] = pos; // noter plus rΘcent dans shortcut table
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: found long search at %d\n",pos);
- #endif
- return pos;
- }
- }
- pos--;
- }
- }*/
- #if DEBUG_HASH==1
- printf("hash: not found after test %s%s\n",nom1,nom2);
- #endif
- return -1; // non trouvΘ
- } else {
- #if DEBUG_HASH==2
- printf("hash: not found %s%s\n",nom1,nom2);
- #endif
- return -1; // non trouvΘ : clΘ non entrΘe (mΩme une fois)
- }
- }
- // enregistrement lien lpos dans les 3 tables hash1..3
- void hash_write(hash_struct* hash,int lpos,int normalized) {
- char normfil_[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char* normfil;
- unsigned int cle;
- int pos;
- int* ptr;
- //
- if (hash->liens[lpos]) { // on sait jamais..
- hash->max_lien = max(hash->max_lien,lpos);
- hashnumber=hash->max_lien;
- #endif
- // ΘlΘment actuel sur -1 (fin de chaine)
- hash->liens[lpos]->hash_next[0]=hash->liens[lpos]->hash_next[1]=hash->liens[lpos]->hash_next[2]=-1;
- //
- cle = hash_cle(convtolower(hash->liens[lpos]->sav),""); // CASE INSENSITIVE
- pos = (int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE);
- ptr = hash_calc_chaine(hash,0,pos); // calculer adresse chaine
- *ptr = lpos; // noter dernier enregistrΘ
- #if DEBUG_HASH==3
- printf("[%d",pos);
- #endif
- //
- if (!normalized)
- normfil=hash->liens[lpos]->fil;
- else
- normfil=fil_normalized(hash->liens[lpos]->fil,normfil_);
- if (!normalized)
- cle = hash_cle(jump_identification(hash->liens[lpos]->adr),normfil);
- else
- cle = hash_cle(jump_normalized(hash->liens[lpos]->adr),normfil);
- pos = (int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE);
- ptr = hash_calc_chaine(hash,1,pos); // calculer adresse chaine
- *ptr = lpos; // noter dernier enregistrΘ
- #if DEBUG_HASH==3
- printf(",%d",pos);
- #endif
- //
- if (hash->liens[lpos]->former_adr) { // former_adr existe?
- if (!normalized)
- normfil=hash->liens[lpos]->former_fil;
- else
- normfil=fil_normalized(hash->liens[lpos]->former_fil,normfil_);
- if (!normalized)
- cle = hash_cle(jump_identification(hash->liens[lpos]->former_adr),normfil);
- else
- cle = hash_cle(jump_normalized(hash->liens[lpos]->former_adr),normfil);
- pos = (int) (cle%HTS_HASH_SIZE);
- ptr = hash_calc_chaine(hash,2,pos); // calculer adresse chaine
- *ptr = lpos; // noter dernier enregistrΘ
- #if DEBUG_HASH==3
- printf(",%d",pos);
- #endif
- }
- #if DEBUG_HASH==3
- printf("] "); fflush(stdout);
- #endif
- }
- else {
- printf("* hash_write=0!!\n");
- abortLogFmt("unexpected error in hash_write (pos=%d)" _ pos);
- exit(1);
- }
- #endif
- //
- }
- // calcul clΘ
- // il n'y a pas de formule de hashage universelle, celle-ci semble acceptable..
- unsigned long int hash_cle(char* nom1,char* nom2) {
- /*
- unsigned int sum=0;
- int i=0;
- while(*nom1) {
- sum += 1;
- sum += (unsigned int) *(nom1);
- sum *= (unsigned int) *(nom1++);
- sum += (unsigned int) i;
- i++;
- }
- while(*nom2) {
- sum += 1;
- sum += (unsigned int) *(nom2);
- sum *= (unsigned int) *(nom2++);
- sum += (unsigned int) i;
- i++;
- }
- */
- return md5sum32(nom1)
- +md5sum32(nom2);
- }
- // calcul de la position finale dans la chaine des elements ayant la mΩme clΘ
- int* hash_calc_chaine(hash_struct* hash,int type,int pos) {
- int count=0;
- #endif
- if (hash->hash[type][pos] == -1)
- return &(hash->hash[type][pos]); // premier ΘlΘment dans la chaine
- pos=hash->hash[type][pos];
- while(hash->liens[pos]->hash_next[type] != -1) {
- pos = hash->liens[pos]->hash_next[type];
- count++;
- #endif
- }
- count++;
- longest_hash[type]=max(longest_hash[type],count);
- #endif
- return &(hash->liens[pos]->hash_next[type]);
- }
- #endif